
  • The "opposite" test

    When "positioning" something, if the opposite of what you claim is bullshit, what you claim is bullshit.

    If you've ever heard any of the following statements:

    • Our company is customer-first
    • Our product is fast & easy-to-use

    Ask yourself:

    • Would any company pick customer-last as a strategy?
    • Would any product go for slow & hard-to-use?

    Nope. Because that's bullshit!

  • The 95/5 rule

    Balancing out what's best for the user vs what's best for the business

    Every decision I made seemed to expose the natural tensions between improving the quality of the experience the guests were having and doing what was best for the business. Restaurant-smart meant leading with trust—including allowing the people who worked for me to do what they felt was best for the guests. Corporate-smart meant running a tight ship. Which was right?

    Will Guidara's answers his own question:

    Manage 95% of your financials down to the penny while spending the remaining 5% “foolishly”, and “splurging” the 5% on the guest experience to create an unforgettable experience.

    Source: Will Guidara: Restaurant Smart vs Corporate Smart


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