- Rewriting to Haskell–Errors
Returning the correct JSON error when parsing fails
- Rewriting to Haskell–Parsing Query Params, Again
Wrapping URL query params in their own types without using FromHttpApiData
- Rewriting to Haskell–Parsing Query Params
Wrapping URL query params in their own types using FromHttpApiData
- Rewriting to Haskell–Linting
Using HLint to improve the code in Stream
- Rewriting to Haskell–Testing
Using HSpec to test Stream through its endpoints
- Rewriting to Haskell–Making GHC More Nitpicky
Enabling GHC compiler warnings to enforce better code
- Rewriting to Haskell–Standing on the shoulders of Rails
Using Rails as a handrail to keep our iteration small
- Rewriting to Haskell–Configuration
Using yaml to configure a Servant application
- Rewriting to Haskell–Automatic Formatting
Using Ormolu to keep code pretty and stop once for all discussions on cosmetics
- Rewriting to Haskell–Deployment
Everything needed to deploy and run Stream (Servant) on the server side
- Rewriting to Haskell–Project Setup
Setting up Servant and CI for Stream
- Rewriting to Haskell–Intro
Hidden in the Functional Programming basement at Lunar Logic we want to have fun, enable newcomers to approach Haskell and creating future options for the company